Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals

Through a partnership established between San José State University and SDSN in late 2015, a 6-month effort was undertaken to evaluate San José’s current policies and initiatives to assess their alignment with the SDGs and present recommendations.

San José is the tenth largest city in the US and has long been a sustainability leader across a number of areas, including recycling and waste diversion, water reuse, as well as renewable energy. The City has been successful at leveraging external funding, strategic partnerships, and demonstration projects, particularly with emerging technology companies to help realize San José’s sustainability goals.

A few people work around a table with small replicas of energy producing windmills on the table.

The UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals provide another mechanism that the City can use to help ensure that existing and future sustainability goals are comprehensive and inclusive.

Through a partnership established between San José State University and SDSN in late 2015, a 6-month effort was undertaken to evaluate San José’s current policies and initiatives to assess their alignment with the SDGs and present recommendations for future opportunities the City could consider. The goals of that effort are as follows:

  • Map current policies and initiatives to the SDGs, including an evaluation of alignment between the City’s General Plan and the SDGs
  • Consult with key stakeholders to identify additional goals and targets to achieve the SDGs that the City could undertake by way of existing City initiatives

Learn more about San José’s strategy for achieving these goals.

Read more on how San José was recently recognized as the best performing metro area for meeting Sustainable Development goals.

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